Selecting The Best Violin Chinrest

A big part of playing a viola or the violin boils down to the proper selection of the instrument and the chinrest. A violin chinrest must perfectly complement your playing posture. But how do you select a chinrest? Check out the following steps. 1. Maximum comfort: For those who have been playing the violin for a while, should be aware of their comfortable position. But many inexperienced violinists hold their instrument very close to the left year. This strains the neck muscles. Look into the mirror and hold the instrument directly below your chin. Carry the violin around and check when the instrument starts cramming your neck. You may have to shift the instrument back to lessen up. 2. Discover the resting spot: The right, left, and the middle of the tailpiece is the best position to hold the violin. This is usually determined by the way you hold the instrument and your jawline shape. Keep this in mind while buying a violin chinrest , because forcing your chin towards a wrong di...